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    Not long after John Chambers and his family arrive at their new home in a small country town of Pennsylvania, John begins to experience sleep paralysis. Lying there paralyzed, trapped within his own nightmare, other-worldly beings visit John. They are entities which exist in the darkest shadows of the night and can only be seen out of the corner of one's eye. These encounters begin to haunt John, transforming to plete terror as he discovers the entities' sole purpose... the abduction of his seven year old son. In the end, John will uncover the town's horrific secret, a portal on his land, and make one last attempt to save his son before the shadow people permanently take him away to their world.


    • HD魔盒:隐喻Kasia,Stelmach,Martin,Cohen
    • HD铁皮人 下凯瑟琳·罗伯特森,Rachel,Pattee,佐伊·丹斯切尔
    • HD维尔博 西班牙语米格尔·安赫尔·西尔维斯特,Alba,García,薇洛妮卡·恩切圭,维克托克拉维霍,玛卡蕾娜·戈麦斯,亚当·杰济尔斯基,费尔南多·索托
    • HD迷影仙踪托比·斯蒂芬斯,EmilyWoof,本·金斯利,弗兰西斯·巴贝,菲尔·戴维斯
    • HD真爱历险文雯,刘亭驿,董阿娇,纪姿羽
    • HD哥斯拉大战金刚亚历山大·斯卡斯加德,米莉·波比·布朗,丽贝卡·豪尔,凯莉·霍特尔,布莱恩·泰里·亨利,小栗旬,艾莎·冈萨雷斯,朱利安·迪尼森,兰斯·莱迪克,凯尔·钱德勒,德米安·比齐尔,哈基姆·凯-卡西姆,钱信伊,约翰·皮鲁切洛,克里斯·乔克,康兰·卡萨尔,布拉德·麦克默里,本杰明·里格比,普里西拉·道伊西,戴维·卡斯蒂洛,吉姆·帕尔默,柯蒂斯·布什,皮拉·福德,爱丽丝·兰斯伯里,肖恩·麦克布莱德,乔尔·皮尔斯,乔恩·奎斯蒂德,塔斯尼姆·罗克,艾梅伯·瓦尔斯,迪索·拉莫斯

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